As a casual photographer I was looking for a good program that would allow me to retouch my photos without having to spend hours to get the job done. portrait-proff-boxed-up-smaI tried several products without luck until I came across Portrait Professional.

Wow! I was instantly smitten. Portrait Professional lets you remove skin blemishes, wrinkles and spots and practically “rebuild” faces in minutes without having to be a graphics designer.

The program works like the “morphing” programs that were popular some years ago. You just need to identify some points on the photo – such as the corners of the eyes,and the edges of the lips – and the software does the rest. You can use the program’s advanced features, or just go with the default enhancements and still get impressive results.

Check the example below:


Cool, right?! Portrait Professional sells for $79.90, and there is a “Max” version with support for 16 bits per color channel images and RAW image files.

Click Here to Download a Free Trial of Portrait Professional . A truly amazing product!